DEKSI Network Inventory provides a complete software and hardware inventory of all your network p.c.'s.DEKSI Network Inventory is an extremely powerful, feature rich, advanced, but easy to use software system designed to provide network administrators with comprehensive and detailed reporting on all the software and hardware inventory installed on your networked computers. You can view the Information remotely, generate a variety of different reports, as well as track the changes that occurred since your last inventory was run. With DEKSI Network Inventory you can export this valuable information into MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, and SQL!!
- Tells you which computers are online so you can obtain information from them
- With the Report Creation Wizard you can design your own reports with any important information you require.
- You can save reports in separate files, or create one common report file.
- DEKSI Network Inventory collects data via WMI technology which means you do not need to install any additional software on the network computers!
Features added to DEKSI Network Inventory Version 9.3:
* Improved the Getting Started Wizard.
* Added 750 PC and 1000 PC licenses
* Added the total report on licenses grouped by products.
* Added searching computers with agents running (scanning the agent service TCP ports).
* Added the "Application Versions" data group. You can check versions of specified executable files locally on computers using the client as you could do this in the old DNI. Please note: you cannot do this using agents and WMI.